Ancient Ruins(update #1)

I’ve been trying to make the ruins of an ancient greek temple.
Please post your C&Cs


Looks neat :slight_smile:

Hey, I did a project just like that a while ago. yours is comming along but the columns should tapper slightly towords the top some, even slightly bulge in the middle and maye be a little taller, they look a little toony, and the capitals look to large.

also I think it would look better if the stones in the foreground forming the base should be more varyied more of smalle sizes, with some maybe from the roof fallen and out of place.

I like the color scheme though… it has a nice feel

Very nice, although you could make the stones less round and more sharp-edged, as well as putting some more clear shadows here and there. Otherwise, it looks pretty neat and good. :slight_smile:

update #1
Tried to improve lighting
note: I’ll fix the stones

Please post some C&Cs


A step backward, imo. I liked the way the two center pillars were in shadow with the light on the background pillar shining through. In the second image, the foreground pillars are lit more, and the background pillar lit less, making the geometry of the scene very ambiguous and hard to read. Barion is correct about the taper, it’s a well known Greek architectural trick to make the temples seem straighter, taller and more imposing.

The weathering on the columns, caps and bases should match the weathering on the steps and the stones between the columns on top. Right now the steps and stones on top are very rounded, like 15 or 16 thousand years worth, and the columns, caps and bases are still squarish. If the columns had weathered that much, they would collapse, so if you go that route, don’t leave them all standing.

Tried to fix some stuff
please post your c&cs


As far as lighting and composition goes, I still like the first one the best. As far as modeling, you’re still mixing Stonehenge with Classical Greek, and it just doesn’t work for me.

wow very nice use of materials

I am trying to model an certain ancient temple which is located in an island. I’ll post a pic of it later…

I like the style, the lighting and the composition. I think the second one works the best for me only because of the more dramatic light effects and increased saturation.

It looks a lot to me like the light in the photo in the background is coming from behind and SLIGHTLY to the right, like a setting sun in the distance. The light on the model is coming from the left (and maybe a bit in front?). It’s throwing off the render a bit i think. the lighting on the models themselves looks good, tho, maybe you should just check the net for a photo with the light coming from the left. Or take one yourself if you have a decent camera handy.

Nice textures. any sculpting going on ir is it all hand modeled?