Ancient temple entrance

[Un]forgotten Realms

Ancient temple gate modeled in Blender 4
Scene assembled and rendered in Unreal Engine 5

Check out my artstation for more shots and breakdown if you like:

and as always, happy blending! :blender_logo_64_png:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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thanks Bart! always appreciated :orange_heart:

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Really awesome love it , may i ask what movie render qeuee swttings you used in UE ?

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Awesome! Thanks a lot guys!

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Thanks! I used exr output, ultra hd Res, ocio config for aces color space transform, 16 samples for antialiasing, 64 for both engine and renderer warm up and a bunch of console commands that are useful for cleaning the output. I plan to upload some more in depth breakdown on artstation but anyway you can find hints about the commands on various yt tuts, including William faucher’s