Angry birds

Well I played this game on a friends iPod and thought it had a fun and addictive style of game play. so I set myself a challenge of recreating that style in BGE. Here’s where I got:

In the game you can see the cursor, fraps just confiscated it. Points are based on distance from player and airtime. Any ideas for a texture theme?

Let me know what you think. :eyebrowlift:

I would just warn against calling this thread “angry birds” or anything closely related to it. Rovio seems to be growing aggressively, and most companies of that sort don’t like indie developers remaking their game using the company’s name. Its fine to make this, and it’s looking very good, I would just rename the thread to… Happy Birds. Or something. There’s no reason for them to always be angry. :wink:

But yes. Very good work! Can’t wait to see more!

You can , please , tell me how to make the “Launcher” of the cubes and the points of distance? Please share the scripts!!

Thanks Red Hand.

Midgardh, Ill see if I can extract some logical information out of the game and post it here. It was made in such a trial and error way that it’s probably less than efficient. :slight_smile:

You should have cats being shot at dogs. Destroy the doggies.

you can play angry birds for free on the pc in the chrome app store.