[Ani] Euranimal - Animal at War

This is my last video, that is introduction of a game that i want make but i dont have idea if i make it or no… but this is the video!

the history talk of a hypothetical war between animals :smiley:

HD Version: http://www.izedesign.it/video/euranimal.rar
[XviD Mpeg 4 Codec][720x576][16:9][3:35 min][10,1Mb]

Low Version: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=7d6DPikaDY8

some ScreenShots:

I like it allot!


Nice, but the quality (took high-res) is still too low. :frowning: Not close of those images on your message…

They speak quite slooow… Also, shouldn’t Hitler have moustaches? :smiley:

4/5, but if you get better quality, 5/5

I like the LowPoly model… and i hate the highpoly… and for this i always create lowpoly model… :smiley:

Woop, very nice 5/5

nice work, but the marching scene and the speech are both a bit too long… would love to see some warfare next :wink:

and if it’s possible could u rerender it with better quality? because it’s quite noisy now (which suits the black&white part nicely though), and some models could use a bit more polygons :stuck_out_tongue:

keep up the good work :slight_smile:

:DMan I loved it, the character models totally fit what your doing. I do agree that the quality of the coloured scenes could be better.Mostly when the bovine army is marching. I hope we get to see some more animal to animal warfare from you.