AnimAll Add-on for Blender 2.8

It’s been super useful so far. Thanks, AnimAll devs.

i have enabled this add on and it shows up in the (N) menu bar, but I a trying to add a keyframe when I move a vertex and when I click Insert Keyframe nothing happens. Any clues?

Select your vertex, insert keyframe.
In the Timeline go to other Frame.
Move your vertex, insert keyframe.
Go into Object-Mode.
Play your Animation.

It is the first time that I use this addon and I found it very interesting.
I have a problem when I have to animate two parts of a curve, as shown in the figure, then, when I make two changes at the same time, and I click on the insert button, the curve will lose even the previous movements.
Does this addon allow you to move two ribs of a curve at the same time?


I am on Blender 2.90, enabled the addon, restarted blender pushed N but I dont have it in my list…

Any clue?

I really need that addon!


I have the same problem

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Can someone pls confirm if AnimAll addon works in sculpt mode in 4.0 beta for keyframing vertex location?
Whenever I have animall enabled, the sculpt brushes don’t work properly and inserting keyframes seems problematic.