Animate a photo inside a polaroid picture object

Hey !
I’m starting learning Blender 2.80 and this soft is soooo crazy! :star_struck:
I found lots of tuts on YT that learn me how to create a book, animate it, etc.
This part is done. Now I want that each polaroid pictures in the book animated (photo, video).

In case of photo, it want to scale, move it, etc…, inside the polaroid picture object but, everything out of polaroid should be masked.

I tried playing with node editor but I don’t figure how to move photo after.

Thanks for your help!

I think this method will not work because the “Polaroid” object should be flat… :thinking:

Well, that’t an old post about appearing and disappearing objects in a volume. I think you are after a completely different effect. I think what you are after can be easily achieved first rendering the animations in the photographs and then using the rendered videos as video textures on the planes/3d objects that represent the photographs in your separate scene. If you only have images in the photographs and want to rotate, move and scale them, you can achieve that by moving texture coordinates in the material nodes with Vector>Mapping node:

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I thought about a more complexe way (why do things simply when you can do it more harder…) like …

  • Create a CameraObject#1 over a PhotoObject#1 (Hidden in render animation).
  • Use the render of CameraObject#1 as a texture on PlanObject#1

Because I like dream… all in real time…

But your way sounds great since I don’t need much right now! Lets try it.
Thank you for advices :metal: !

So cool! That’s exactly what i wanted!

Here’s the blender file (texture embed) with the result… if someone else looking for the same effect.

Thanks again for your help!

Polaroid-animated.blend (1023.2 KB)

Back to my side project, I realise that the the photo is scaled to fill the plane. I don’t know how to set photo with real width/height.

I found this tips but can’t reproduce it.
Any idea how to do that in Blender 2.80 and EEVEE engine ?
That was exactly what I was looking for at first.

Everything I found is about Circles or features I can’t found/reproduce in v2.80. But I found this post that help me a lot.

I finaly discover and use Modifier > Generate : Boolean with an intersect of cube and photo.
Everything inside the cube is displayed, and ouside the cube… it’s masked.
So here is what I was looking for in my first post :

And here’s the Blend file for example
Polaroid Mask.blend (759.5 KB)

Thank again @MartinZ for your help. :metal: