animate objects via python / overwrite IPO curve / Python based ease in and out ???


I am not really experienced with Python to be honest and I was curious
about if it would be difficult to animate an object from a to b with scale
rotate and translate changes.

also when doing this would it be possible to simulate ease in and out or
overwrite the function curve from the IPO curve.

Somebody maybe has a good guide where I could learn about those steps
required for this job?


Shouldn’t be hard, the transformations are single-line commands and setting a keyframe should be pretty simple. But since BlenderArtists is having SEVERE connection problems, I can’t find the threads for you that show how. Which is sad, because I need one of those threads myself :o

So it is not only me who feels that 60% of page calls end in server not found errors.

Are they hosting some Wikileak stuff :wink:

Nope to the first, maaaaaybe (I’m not supposed to answer) to the last :slight_smile:

And I found your Powertool: keyframe_insert(). It will animate just about ANYTHING :smiley:

I am working on an interface design and after having looked at the ease with wizz improvements
I started to think how this could be animated with python only.

  • Define a start and end position
  • Add the code how the ease in / out is done

The Wiki thing was a joke as well !!!

I guess I need to work through some tuts first before getting this right.
I will fly to London tomorrow and maybe I can find some pdfs to read/work through.

Seriously, animation is painfully easy with this new API, it seems. Just set scene.frame_current, do whatever you need to animate, and use keyframe_insert(“whatever is keyframed”). I tell you, it gets no easy without telepathy :slight_smile:

But I need telepathy :wink:

Or better some time to learn this python stuff - I never did anything with it.

mi = bpy.context.user.mind
info =

(I have been scripting waaaay too much these last few days, this is actually a funny joke to me at this point :o )

Or better some time to learn this python stuff - I never did anything with it.

It’s gold. If you want to do Big Things, trust me, the scripting is the stuff. Of course, you really need to dig deep to get the real powertools from it. I say, worth it :slight_smile:

i did some copy, rotate, scaling of armature animation
for blender-2.49 some time ago.
Its in this blend-file a example copy+rotate+scale of a walk-anim
following a moving empty as goal.

i already thought about doing it again for blender-2.5x, but the
changes of the python-api were not encouraging for me.

Any ideas how far the python-api will not change dramatically and
will only be enhanced with additional functions? Is 2.55 a good base
for the next year?

Just a bit a fair warning if you are going to proceed with programmatic animation for 2.5.

The bpy.context falls out of scope upon the issue of a render. So even if you do get great code working, you will not be able to render your result. Unless you avoid using the bpy.scene context which is very hard to do, how do you know what frame you are on? I reported this as a bug, yesterday. Both Ton and Campbell responded. It is on the todo fix list. But if you are on a tight schedule, you may want to proceed with 2.49 for 100% success.

I invite you to browse any of the scripts in my signature. Most of them animate objects on-the-fly via python code in 2.49.

Here is a link to one of my first 2.49 scripts. It simulates the Flash enterFrame event. IT manages objects, over time,based upon their name. It was my attempt at the tweenTo style animation you can do in Flash. It records each objects state so you can poll objects to tell if they are in motion or have completed the tween.