Animate on top of mixamo animation

Hi i got a dude with a animation from mixamo(moving lightly). I want to attach his hands to the gun, so i can rotate the gun and his hands stay in the right position. Is it possible ? And generally, how can i animate on top of a motion capture animation ? I mean just add keys to certain bones that get added on top of the original clip.

Even tho it’s technically possible as is but i recommend you use the mixamo add-on to convert that rig to a more advanced one that have (IK)

Then yes u can delete the keyframes of the hand IK controler and parent it /use constraints to the gun (or add another bone for the gun)

So you can just add keyframes like that (same action) or learn how to use the NLA export this action in the NLA and add a new one on top (non destructive workflow/animation layer)

Hi, thanks ! Yeah i did the mixamo addon conversion, so i try that.