Animated Mandala experiments

Hi all. I’ve been making these animated mandala (at least I think they can be classified as mandalas - I might be wrong) things in blender for a while and just felt like I wanted to share them and hopefully get some feedback. They don’t really have much of a purpose yet, I just make them as a sort of meditation, if that makes any sense.

I have quite a few more recent ones but I just switched to a new computer and I have to retrieve them from my old computer before uploading.

First post btw, happy to be a part of the community - havent had much time to look around but from what I’ve seen so far there are some really brilliant artists here.


How did you make them, and which renderengine?

Looks Pretty impressive…So what have you applied like which effect?
It woul have been great if 3D Meninas was applied!