Animated mesh shrinkwrap-conform idea?

i have a mixamo boned hand. here i want an glove that does not intersect and moves with the hand under it with any animation of the hand.

…any idea how to get that fast and good working?

i think the different subdivisions of hand and glove does not make it easy.
i initially thought of hand copying, scaling up to size of the gloves and mesh painting?
…or mesh conform painting the glove onto hand surface ?

thanks for better ideas!

You did try to:
Binding to the armature of the hand with automatic weights… and then proberly weightpainting it ??

1 Like, means deleting the invisible hand mesh under the gloves after that…
Thanks, will try that

if the hand is not visible anyway, you can hide the fingers with a mask modifier, I would copy the glove to the rig with weighttransfer


big thanks for that !

worked perfect, thanks to you both ! the weighttransfer was cool as hell :v:

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You can also project hand to the glove and bake textures from glove to the hand and keep the original mesh in place.

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