Hi, I am trying to get a sprite animation for a normal map (for water) to work properly in blender 2.49. I’m using the tutorial from the yofrankie game and created my own normal map sprite but it seems to move 10 frames and then jump to another spot on the sprite. I don’t know if 2.49 uses a different order for animating the sprite? I tried it with the yofrankie normalmap sprite I downloaded and the same thing happens so i’m not sure what I missed.
I would like to use more animated normal maps from sprites not just for water so I’d like to figure out what’s wrong.
Okay, I’m pretty new at this so I think I packed the image (clicked the pack button in the UV/Image edit window) if not I attached it also. Thanks for any help!
I think when you made the animation for the water_nor.png there was not enough frames, I used your file with my png and it worked, so your settings are ok just an issue with the tile map image.