Animated Background
This is awesome! I am a noobie here and to Blender!
1 - How did you get the objects to different colors?
2 - How did you get the colored objects to attach to the gold frame?
3 - Is there a tutorial on this given project of yours some where?
Thank You!!!
Love this!
Thanks for comments.
I have used path animation.
I have attached the shiny matarial file.
These spheres are parented to CurveCircle
Another version of the same animation is here
shiny_mat.blend (349 KB)
Thanks for sharing and getting back to me!
I can see that going be a long time before i get to that!
Have no idea what you said…lollll!
With some more variations. Heart Animation Valentine Day Animation
Is there a tutorial some where on how to do this? I am still a beginner! But I can follow a tutorial. Thanks!
Interesting effect. Like it
New Version
Beads Animation