I just did a tutorial on the blender oldsite, called “particles”. It had an interessting animated sky in the background. I was wondering if anyone could give me a heads up on achieving this. If I am right it has something to do with using the I key and Ofs function in the World menu. Not sure of this though. Thanks.
In principle you already mentioned a solution.
-Go to the world buttons.
-Change to the texture buttons.
-Add a texture (clouds for simplicity)
-Switch back to the world buttons
-Hit I-key–> Offs
-change the frame (arrow keys)
-alter Offs in world buttons
-Hit I-key
-change to the Ipo window
-set world ipos to extrapolation.
Inserting the second key and setting of the offs also could be done in the Ipo window directly. (see a Ipo curve tut)
Instead of a procedural texture you could use a seamless image texture.
A movie as background would do the trick without offset ipos.
Instead of the worlds background you could use a plane or a skydome with an “sky and clouds” texture.
The rest depends on the settings (i. e. sizeX,Y,Z etc.)