Animated Teen Titan Character ish

So this Is my first project that has been successfuly finished ill add him to scenes and what not but for right now I like this whole animation thing.

Crits are welcome

and if anyone has a good face rigging tut let me know thats my next step
these are

  1. the wave its self
  2. the wave with a spin


You should use shapekeys to do facial expressions and lip synch (much easier than rigging)

You’ve made a very interesting character. I definitely like the style. My only crit is that no one likes to watch 18 seconds of the same action :smiley:

haha yeah im working on that im just learning animation and character animation . the only finished thing is the character . but now Im working on the tutorial

its helping me understand animation timing and all the other things of that sort

That’s a really great tutorial, I’m still brain storming what I want my character to look like though :confused:

I read ahead, tested the lipsynch with a talking UV Sphere (lol). It actually worked quite well. Too bad my microphone broke.

Ya that sucks . I have a digital recording studio so i think I will use that haha I just need a reason for him to be talking

like telling a joke or something idk