Animated Texture not working


I’ve seen several tutorials on how to accomplish using animated textures in the game engine, however none seem to work properly for me. I’ve already tried using the Game Properties > Animate + Tiles option in the UV Editor Window, and using the animall addon (which is currently being used in the blend file).

The texture being used is only two images (1 x tile and 2 y tiles - one on top of the other). The animall addon shows that it works in the timeline however it doesn’t play in game even using the logic editor to play it. I really hope I’ve just made a silly mistake but I can’t seem to find it, I’ve followed every tutorial I’ve seen step by step. The only tutorial I haven’t used is SolarLune’s script, but I’d like to stay away from python as much as possible. Thank you.

Here’s the blend and the texture:UVAnimateTest.blend (472 KB)


UVAnimateTest.blend (475 KB)

I am pretty sure that UV animations are not implemented in the BGE.

These are two tutorials showing that you can use animated textures in the BGE. I know it can work, I’m mostly looking as to why this isn’t working for me.

Animated textures only work in GLSL and Single Texture.
But you can use the script example the link below, it allows use animated textures in any shading mode.

Thank you! Now the texture animates! I used the UV window to animate it with tiles and it seems to work pretty good. The only thing left now is that there is a delay after the second frame, I’d like for each frame to have the same amount of time, is there any fix for this?

UVAnimateTest.blend (470 KB)

Nevermind, the script example is working! Thank you!

Sure UV animations are working when you use the animations function in the UV editor. But this is playing the animation endless. You can’t control it with a Animation actuator. I thought that you want to make a controllable sprite animation.

I would love a sprite actor object
2d or 2.5 D…