Animating a color change on a pipe along a path?

I’m looking for ideas on how to animate a color change on a a pipe along a path. I’ve already built a network of pipes… I used the extruded vertex method to create them (converted to mesh objects). But now I’m told it would ‘be cool’ if a selected ‘grey’ pipe could animate a purple color starting at one end of the grey pipe and traversing along the pipe and turning it purple as it goes… so when it reaches the end of the pipe it has transformed into a purple pipe.
Not sure where to start… it’s a round pipe in a flat linear layout with several angular bends. the bends are covered with objects… so I suppose:

  • I could break it up into multiple straight sections and animate a stretched pipe that is slightly wider radius over the grey pipes?
  • ideally I’d like to animate a color along the path of the pipe… not sure if this is possible.
    Any other ideas?

Create a new UV map. If possible, use follow active quads UV mapping to create a straightened out UV map; otherwise, adjust the UV map manually. Then use UV.x (or UV.y) as the mix factor for a MixRGB node or as an input for an HSV node. You can animate a value you add to your UV, or you can give it a UV warp modifier to animate the boundary via an empty.

Cool - never occurred to me! I’ll give it a try…

… I haven’t had any luck with this :frowning: Are there any examples of this anywhere?
This would really help me solve several other animated transition problems I’m trying to pull off.

I saw that in 2.79 the animall add-on made this work fairly easily… but it it doesn’t seem to be available or work with 2.8 yet. I saw some recent work being posted for Animall 2.8 but sounds like there may still be glitches.


I can make you one in two seconds…animateGrad.blend (131.3 KB)

Has a quick animation if you want to play it.

Hi :slight_smile:

Here is what I would do :

Here is the file :
pipes.blend (781.7 KB)

See you :slight_smile: ++

Oh man… you guys are the best!! THanks so much…!!

I’m new to Blender but have got up to speed pretty quickly using 2.8 (I found 2.79 a bit daunting)
I used to do photo realistic 3D animations of satellites blasting into space and showing how they unfold and perform maneuvres etc. using 3D Studio - but that was like 30 years ago! It’s been a trip getting back into this. THanks again!