Animating/Deforming along a curve

Okay, I’ve spent my morning googling and searching the forum here, and I still have not found an answer, so I am going to post now…

I have an arrow that I would like to follow along a curve path, and deform with the bends in the curve while it travels. I can parent the object to curve and it follows the path just fine, but adding a curve modifier just yields wacky results. I am assuming this means the curve modifier only works from a stationary point of view, as it seems the mesh is being defined by it’s location in relation to the curve, rather than along it. Is there a way to allow the object to both follow the curve and deform along it at the same time? I am close to just animating the offset of a arrow pic w/ an alpha channel along a curved plane, if I must, but it means a little less freedom of motion with the camera.

I am sure there must be a simple answer for this, and I am just overlooking it…but any help would be greatly appreciated.


The best technique I could find so far was to use a lattice with the curve as a modifier, then add a lattice modifier to the arrow mesh, and animate the arrow along whichever axis is in line with the curve. This isn’t always easy, I had to do it a few times to get it right, but now I have the effect I am looking for. Other options are appreciated, if mine is an overly-complex workaround.

Don’t use Path.
Just add your object (arrow) with its center at the center of the Curve. Then, apply the Curve modifier to the Arrow. It is better if your curve axis and your object axis are aligned. This way, when you move the arrow by G-X for example, the object will follow the curve. You can parent the arrow to the curve, but it is better to use Normal Parent instead of Follow Path. Do not use Curve Deform, which is the old way used before the Curve modifier was added in Blender.
Once the arrow is the child of the curve, the curve can be moved and rotated,and the arrow will remain sticked on it. But if you have to change the animation of the arrow, you’ll have to play with the Ipos, because G-X or even G-X-X will not worme any more because the arrow axis will have moved in the 3D space.

I have been trying to come up with a method for animating vines growing. The only way I found that works is to make a cylinder with a curve modifier and shape-keying the cylinder so it “grows” along the path.
If anyone knows a better method, that would be helpful.

have a look on youtube for “blender grow” there’s a spanish tut there for animating what looks like a question mark :wink: using hooks…

I offer a blend file with arrows deforming along a curve.

Just drag along the X-Axis


Arrows_2.blend (37.5 KB)

Cool- thanks you guys. Seems a little unintuitive at times, but it also seems like the only way to make it work.

Much appreciated, solved the problem!

This must be that plant project you did (eh CJ?).
Thanks for posting this. I am in a pinch and needed to
know how to make this type of animation happen too.