Animating IGUS Cable Chain

Hi guys,
I need help with animating Igus Cable Chain.

This is what I am trying to achieve

I understand to use curve and array modifier to array along the curve. That is not a problem.

The problem is that I need both ends fixed on something so I can move either end and in that way animate the whole chain.
I need to move the curve also?


I dont know, but maybe try Hook on the curve endpoints and parent the empties to whatever.

Tried with hooks, but cannot get it to move like in the video. Curve gets deformed and looses its shape.

Any other idea?

Using a Curve modifier will do the sort of thing that you want:

FollowCurve.blend (149.2 KB)


@magpie thank you very much, that is it.

I overcomplicated with ideas and couldn’t figure out this obvious solution.
Tnx again :slight_smile:

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