Animating multiple objects with different armatures.

I need to animate the weapon and the arms in the same project, but both of them are different objects with different armatures. How can I achieve this? Or maybe I can use just one armature for both weapons but export them separately (each armature should have their own mesh)?!

The weapon mesh is a child of the Weapon Rig and the arms mesh is a child of the Arms Rig.


You animate with keyframes, and you set the keyframes for the values associated with the various objects in your scene that you want to change over time. So if you want the gun to fire when the finger moves, you would set keyframes for the poses and other ones for the gun’s actions. The action or scene you want to animate will take a certain number of frames, so figure out where you want them on the timeline and then mark your first and last keyframes for the gun and for the character poses at these frames, and then work out whatever in-between keyframes you might need.

If you need more help, let me know.

It’s a darn sight easier with one armature! That way you do not have to have myriads of Child Of Constraints, etc. If you want to pick the gun up and put it down, that’s a whole new ball game!

Cheers, Clock.