Here is the situation that I have.
I have a single mesh object that I want to create an action that rotates it in a circle 360 degres. I have a single armature with 1 bone. The bone is the parent of the mesh.
I insert a LocRotate key ar frame zero.
Then I go to frame 201 and I try to rotate the bone 360 degrees to set the second key. The problem I am having is that I am trying to rotate the object around it’s Z axis and when I do the transform properties increase from 0 -> 179. Then it becomes -180 -> 0.
When i create the second key at zero the animation is getting screwed up. It never rotates the full 360 degrees. It starts going in one direction then haly way thorugh, turns back in the other direction.
Is there something I am missing here or am i setting up something incorrectly.
Thanks in advance for the help.
I am not sure why you’re using an armature if you want to simply rotate a Cube, but I suppose you have a reason.
Rotating an armature (in pose mode) differs from an object in that it is base on a Quaternion system rather than the usual Euler system.
So you would need to insert an extra KeyFrame in the middle to get the full 360 degree rotation.
(I assume that you are watching the values in the Transform Properties Panel ([n]).
So step by step (It helps to have an IPO Curve window open so that you can see what is going on , (be sure to have the IPO Type selector in the Window header set to ‘Pose’ mode):
At Frame 1, insert your first Keyframe,
At Frame 100, rotate the armature 180 degrees and insert the 2nd KeyFrame, and
At Frame 200, Rotate the armature another 180 degrees (360 total) and insert the 3rd KeyFrame.
In the IPO Curve Window, select all the Rotation IPO Curves (the ones with ‘Quat’ in their name) and from the menu select ‘Curve’ > ‘Extend Mode’ > ‘Cyclic’ (if you want to make it rotate around forever.)