Animation 'breaks' when I attempt to edit it in certain ways

The evidence

It’s a bit hard to describe without watching the videos.

In the first instace, transformation on the gun is playing normally, but when I try to key the hands, suddenly the gun stops moving.

In the second instance I tried a different hand rig to see if that helped, but now it freezes when I try to edit the f-curve.

This one issue is stopping me from enjoying blender, and I hope i’ve just been stupid this entire time.

P.S. can’t upload .blend 'cause I’m a new user. Here’s a google drive

It’s hard to tell from the clips.

The bone have constraints on them. That could be having an effect, and overriding what you’re trying to do.

If you can upload the file somewhere, then we could take a look. Dropbox has a free option with a small amount of storage.

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Does google drive suffice

There are a lot of Child Of constraints within the gun rig. It would be better to make the subordinate bones be actual children of their main bone. Most of the gun bones would be children of the ‘Frame’ bone. The ‘Safety’ bone would be a child of ‘Slide’.

That would keep things moving together without the need for the ‘Child Of’ constraints.

The hands can use the ‘Child Of’ or an ‘Armature’ constraint to get them to follow the gun Frame bone.

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I’m sadly not aware of the difference between children and child of

The bone parenting is done in edit mode on the armature. Child Of can be a bit tricky to use correctly. There’s a risk of double-translations as the armature is moved around.

I sent an edited version of your file back via direct message. That has the parenting edited. Hopefully that will be a base to work from.

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