Animation exercises. Progressive uploads

Hello animators!

I’m starting to do some animation exercises and I would love some feedback from the community. I already did the ball and some static jumping, but this one I feel like sharing. I will continue with the Jason Ryan route.

Would love any feedback from you guys. I have the intention to do an exercise each week, or two. I guess that for the most difficult ones it will take longer.

Well, I guess that’s all for now.


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And here is the next exercise on the list, the run cycle.

Almost made it to the week. I guess it’s easier to finish on weekends.

All comments and critiques are welcome!


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Hi there!
To anyone listening :slight_smile:

Now is the turn for the weight shift.

After this one, I will start doing my own versions of the exercises. So I will start from the bouncing ball again but, my version, and a bit longer I guess.

Bye now!

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