Animation fade out

My first animation is almost ready :smiley: but for a good ending I would like to fade it out. How do I do this?

Well easiest way… do it in post process in a video editor, not in blender internally… it’s usually pretty handy to do a lot of that sort of stuff in a video editor.

what Macouno said.

Other way is to insert an ipo curve for you lamps energy.

Select your lamp. Split your window, change the window to the IPO Curve Editor. Where it says Object in the box, change that to lamp. (Display IPO Type box).

Now with your mouse in the Lamp Buttons menu, Hit I for insert key and select Energy.

Now you have an energy curve in the IPO window that you can adjust for fade in and out by editing it along the timeline.

Need any more help lemme know.

Edit: But Macouno’s way is MUCH much easier! if your using Ray shadows you can insert the movement of the lamp too and have it drop below a horizon or something. Depends on what ya want. His way just fades the entire scene equally and you might wanna do that differently.

or, you could insert a plane in front of the camera and ipo curve its alpha, i’m not sure you can get it perfect black with this though. Or if the scene isn’t entirely filled with things, you can put a plane with a picture of what its looking at in front of it and move the camera to look at the black and then fade away the plane with an ipo curve. MUCH MUCH eaisier in a post-process!

Sorry to disagree, but the easiest way is to use Blender’s sequence editor.

Make your anim, and apply to the last frame a cross effect with a black image.

Doc ->


Hmmm, you make it difficult for me: three ways to go :wink: … I’ve chosen S68’s one now, but I don’t get it to work really. I have done the following:

  1. In the sequence editor: Add -> Image: “black.tga” at the last frame.

  2. Add -> Effect -> Cross (while the image is selected).

Unfortunately Blender always tells me that it wants to have two frames, but I don’t know where to get the second one (in the article there always were two images for cross effect, but I need the last rendered frame). :frowning:

Of course I meant 4 … :wink:

Yuo must the black.tga image last for a given number of frames


Sorry, I didn’t express correctly. In fact Blender says it wants to have two scenes. Therefore I have ensured that “black.tga” is ~20 frames long and added a scene from the menu about 300 frames long (the whole animation) – I hope that’s right and Blender knows what I mean with that scene …
Then Blender allows me to use the CROSS effect on both, but it has really no effect. :frowning:

That’s the easiest way S68 ?? Mine sounded alot simpler…

I second the sequencer system.

that’s how I do it anyways…

and, not only put a black image, but a black background with “The end.” text there too :slight_smile:
