Animation Goodies Build II

Hi all,

For my 1000’th post here, I’ve decided to announce the availability of a build of my recent work on the animation-system in Blender.

:eek: Highlights of this build: :eek:

Action Editor

  • Groups for action channels in
  • Collapsable action channels
  • Renamable channels
  • Copying of keyframes from one channel to another (not functional yet, sorry)NLA Editor
  • Strip-end can now be locked to automatically be set to right when adjusting number of times strip repeatsPreview Frame Range
    Preview range is useful for animating (espcially on longer timelines). It allows you to only run through a limited set of frames to quickly preview the timing of a section of movement without going through the whole timeline. It means you don’t have to set/reset start/end frame for rendering everytime you wish to only preview a region of frames.

Other changes

  • Number of recently opened files can now be set in the user-preferences.
  • Alt-A and Shift-Alt-A have been swapped around to be more flexible.

Link to the Build: (Based on latest cvs, Windows only)


No replies yet? Well, thanks for the new things Aligorith!
(I guess this will be for a next version of Blender and not the 2.43 since it is frozen.)
reworking the NLA editor / Action editor / etc. is important to get better workflow in the animation department.

Thanks a lot, Aligorith, great stuff. :slight_smile:
Going to test it.

Aligorith, if you’re on Windows, you should download my BlenderPeople character animation build of Blender and test out both MatchBone (for repositioning animation to match between NLA strips) and the super-snazzy Multiply mode (a different way of blending NLA actions that works much better than Add):

Thanks a lot, Aligorith. Those changes are REALLY cool.

The preview frames and the action editor goodies are awesome! =D


I love these things, Keep them up!

Thank you! As for the next feature, reversible IPOs would be nice;)

Tried doing ‘Shift M’ in the IPO editor yet?

Will do :wink:


Cool stuff! Thanks!

Build will be updated with bugfixes soon.

EDIT: build has now been updated, with copy+paste for keyframes in action editor
