Animation help needed.

Hey, I’m doing a homework assignment, and I need to make the propeller on my submarine spin.

I’ll explain what I’m doing.

I’m going to frame 1, adding a rotation key frame.

Going to frame 100, adding a rotation key frame for x:90 and y:3600.001 and z:0 (assignment is to make it spin 10 full times)

Yet; I want it to stay stationary and spin.

The problem is; it’s rotating around the entire submarine, and even if I put the x: rotation to 0, it still does it.

I’m so confused.

Please help as soon as possible.

OH, and the only reason why my name is “Annoyed” is simply because it’s 3am, I’m in the middle of an all-nighter, and I’ve been working on this for an hour, getting no where, and I still have to animate it, set the lighting and such, then do a 2-hour test online for it. =/

Leaving things to the last minute are we? … Reminds me of someone i know.

Hard to know what “rotating around the whole submarine” means

If it is that the sub is turning like the propeller

Is your propeller is a separate object parented to the sub?

If you mean its like orbiting the sub

Is the props objects origin at its centre. Object > transform > origin to geometry should do it.

Gotta laugh, wondering with some of my models, wips animations etc how long ago i could have said i’ve been working on this for an hour.

Good luck.

THANKS! Object > transform > origin to geometry worked. =)

And haha not the last minute, it’s due on Monday, but Tomorrow = 2k word English book report, and saturday/sunday = work/revising the essay.

Also; if possible could you help me with this please?

I have to make a rudder go back and forth. Such as swaying left to right, or flapping up and down (in this case I guess flapping left to right, if that makes sense)

Yet, here is what I did (as instructed)
Frame 0, x:0 y:90 z:0
Frame 25, x:0 y:90 z:90
Frame 75, x:0 y:90 z:-90
Frame 100, x:0 y:90 z:0

It’s going back and forth now.

But the problem is; the wrong side is staying stationary.
For example []>OO> (Submarine)
[] = rutter
it’s going like this [)>OO> (the [ representing the side that is staying still)
it needs to be like this (]>OO>

Does that make sense? I know the example looks kinda weird. =/

Thanks for if you help. :slight_smile:

Hard to know without an example,

but i think its probably an axis issue. In the objects menu under display you can set a checkbox to show the axis for the particular object… In your example data, i’d assume z is the axis of rotation of your rudder/s. A simple test is playing with the rotation sliders to see that it is rotating along the desired axis. If you don’t know what i’m talking about consult your notes…

Thanks, lmao I figured it out, took an hour of Black Ops to get my mind off it a bit.
But all it really took was scaling it to flip it around, haha.