Animation help needed.

I’m making a submarine, but I’m having a problem with the rudder at the back.

I have to make a rudder go back and forth. Such as swaying left to right, or flapping up and down (in this case I guess flapping left to right, if that makes sense)

Yet, here is what I did (as instructed)
Frame 0, x:0 y:90 z:0
Frame 25, x:0 y:90 z:90
Frame 75, x:0 y:90 z:-90
Frame 100, x:0 y:90 z:0

It’s going back and forth now.

But the problem is; the wrong side is staying stationary.
For example []>OO> (Submarine)
[] = rutter
it’s going like this [)>OO> (the [ representing the side that is staying still)
it needs to be like this (]>OO>

Does that make sense? I know the example looks kinda weird. =/

Thanks for if you help. :slight_smile:

posting a .blend would be easier for us - although your kind of description is interesting.

It looks like you have the rudder’s origin (orange dot on the mesh, the point around which it is rotating) on the wrong side. Try putting the rudder into edit mode, select all vertices, and move them so that the orange dot is on the other side of the mesh.