Animation moving through four types of Sci-Fi Corridors

This is an idea I had to try to create four unique types of science fiction style corridors and transition between them with a moving camera animation. They are not really supposed to relate to each other…maybe it was confusing to do it that way, I’m not sure :slight_smile:

It was quite hard to keep coming up with unique greebles and “things” to populate the scenes with. Some are better than others. Also, because I made four, it made me spend less time on each one than I could have if I was making just one. I would say the weakest part is the texturing/ materials. They don’t have much weathering or visual variety. But overall I am pretty happy with how it turned out.

The theme of each corridor is:

  1. Star Trek inspired style
  2. Industrial
  3. Futuristic/alien
  4. Near future/ claustrophobic


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you very much!

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I think that each one of these corridors is distinctive, creatively imagined, and very well executed. It’s a clever idea to begin with.

Don’t “nit-pick” about things like “materials” or “weathering.” (Which I would not really expect in outer space …) Or, “greebles” or the lack thereof. The subtle sound-track works well. And I also liked the very distinct ways in which you imagined each of the doorways. You should be “very happy with how it turned out.” :slight_smile:

Very glad to see that you got a well-deserved “featured!”

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I love this concept, what a great way to do a portfolio piece.

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Thanks very much for the support and tips! I really appreciated it!

Many thanks!