Animation Nodes

haha jaa

that’s my problem too, but feel free to ask here or on stackexchange or me directly even if you can’t make learning material ;D

Probably you have some suggestions for a starting point…

I suggest to start with these nodes:

  • Object Transforms Output
  • Combine Vector
  • Frame
  • Math
  • Object Transforms Input
  • Text Object Output

in that order. Always try to connect the next node somehow to the previous nodes. And try to get a feeling on how the data flows through your node network :smiley:

I made the thing you’re looking for some time ago. Here’s a short demo and you can download and examine the nodes. @Leon_Cheung’s works are a lot more advanced than mine, so you can take a look at them later.

Hi everyone, i discovered AN 2 days ago and i’m in fever since that. It seems my old dream of making animations purely based on sounds has become true. In Blender!!
I have zero knowledge in Python etc, i’m just a buttons users, so i have to confess i’m pretty noob with all the concepts involved in using such an addon.
I’m trying to read all the pages (page 9 atm), have followed all the links provided in the first page, have started to read the manual.
After a few noob tweaks i managed to make my first scene test work, basically objects reacting to their own individual wav file. That 's the simple concept i’m gonna use for my next tracks (i’m making music), but i’m stuck at a weird bug, if it is.
I just wanna be sure i didn’t do nonsense, so i made 2 little vids to illustrate my issue. The second one is shorter and i don’t type on my keyboard like crazy ^^

If you’re curious, my (humble) music:

And my 3D galery:

thank you for your reply. I was looking if it was possible to use AN to create a mesh object from a curve object (like the “Convert to > Mesh from Curve”). so if I make changes to the curve-object, it autmatically adjusts the mesh-object.

I am using blender as a CAD tool (for very simple designs) and over the years I developed my own approach to something similar to parametric design, and I rely heavily on boolean modifiers for this. however, I also like to use curve-objects because they have only a few parameters to adjust to change a shape. unfortunately they dont accept boolean modifiers. So my usual process would be to create a copy of the curve-object and convert it into a mesh. and then apply the modifiers on this copy.
I thought if I was able to use AN to create a mesh-object out of an curveobject on the fly, I would have a modelling pipeline that autmatically adjusts if I make any changes to the curve-object. when I found the “curve object output” node I thought that it would do exactly this, but because there is no documentation, I probably was mistaken.

If you have an idea how to use AN for this I would welcome any suggestion.



@David Boura:
Removing AN trees currently only works with a special operator called “Remove Animation Nodes Tree”. You can just search it in the search box that opens up when you press the spacebar.
Everytime you load a new sound it is loaded into the Video Sequence Editor. You can remove it there or you select the sound in the “Base Sound” node and press on the little X icon.

That the execution stops when you render looks like a bug, but I can’t reproduce it right now… Can maybe send me the file?
Thanks for the report! The bug you got there should not happen, it wasn’t your fault.

Thanks a lot Jacques!
In the second video you can see i effectively only have the 2 used files in VSE, plus a few other cleanups on the scene.

To be sure, do i use the addon correctly when putting one Bake Sound for each object?
About the Nodetrees, when do you add one? Is it one by object?

I’m going to prepare the file, but should i Pack it for the wav files?

A simple card counter made by Animation Nodes addon. I used it when playing online card games, which brings more fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

card_counter.blend (227 KB)

David Boura made his first music animation test using AN. I can’t await to see the final version!

Here is a work-in-progress opengl render:

(I’m posting this here because David is still moderated…)

We created an updated version of our Animation Nodes Installation and Basics tutorial since there have been so many changes. We will also updated our further animation nodes tutorials and create new ones.

As promised here are some example files on how to create music animations using AN:

OMG a level meter for the sequencer!!! Now we can know the actual levels coming from it, so does sound from Sequencer use a full mix or just a single channel?

Well you can decide which sequences you want to use for the animation (you see in the video I simply used the “Get All Sequences” node but you could also use “Sequences from Channel” and then combine multiple channels, …).
If two sequences overlap each other they will just be added together.

Also note that only the timing comes from the VSE, so changing the volume there doesn’t make any difference. But just try it out yourself. You can download all the files I showed in the video for free.

Ah yes I see, sorry for noise on the thread. Pretty amazing work. Thanks Jacques.

Thank’s Jacques, that’s amazing! :smiley:

Yupiiii!!! You are all amazing.

I wanted to add something to the documentation and ended with writing my first node.

I tried to set the material index on the polygons. I have seen material index in the polygon class. After writing the node to set the material index in the polygon class nothing happend. When creating the MeshData from the polygons the material index information gets lost.
The temporary solution was to add an integer list to the “mesh data to object” node for setting the material slots.
The cleaner way would be to use the polygon data, but would need some refactoring.

I would appreciate some feedback. Maybe I have missed the current solution.

My fork with the new code:

The new/changed files: - the new node - added material index slot (integer list)

Sometimes I wonder how people always immediatly find the problematic areas haha
Yes you are right @habit. Currently there is no good way to change the material indices of individual polygons.
In fact I want to rewrite the whole polygon area for a long time already, not because it’s a mess but because it doesn’t support everything we need. eg you cannot access the vertex normals of each vertex in a polygon.
The main problem here is speed. It would be easy to just put all properties you need into a class and then make thousands of instances. Each additional property makes this process slower. And creating the instances is not the only problem. Also the “Transform Polygon” node becomes very slow when we decide to update every single property in a polygon (eg recalculate the area and normal).
I don’t know how to solve this problem yet. I mean I have some ideas in mind but none of them solves the performance problem AND is user friendly at the same time…

So if you have an idea on how to solve this issue please tell me. Until this problem is solved AN only has limited mesh creation support.

Beside that: Very cool that you started to write your first own node hehe
I would love to have some feedback on how hard/easy it was or if there is something I can improve to make the node creation process easier.

And here is the rendered result of the music animation made by David Boura:

What do you think about it?