Press a button called ‘Separate Text’ - this copies the original object, performs the text to mesh operation and separates them with the operator ‘separate by loose parts’
The node has an object list as output with all these parts (and maybe the start position or an offset to keep the spacing and kerning)
it shouldnt turn the text into mesh because it’ll become “destructive” so you wouldnt be able to change the words nor the font of the text you made, and that sorts of goes off of the way of the “animation nodes” thinking pattern
So i’d make it take the text you write, and hide it and make a new text object per each letter that is in that text object, that you can modify and what not, and so if you want to edit the text you can revert to that “first one” that’s hidden backstage and change everything again frm scratch… does that make sense?.
btw great stuff i’ve been seeing, man i’m excited.
Yes it is a bit destructive, but because it copies the original text, this is still there.
You can edit this and then press the ‘seperate text’ button again.
This will remove the previously created objects and copies the original text again. and so on --> not very desctructive, although it isn’t optimal
Now to your idea: It is not problem to create a text object for each letter. Where I see the problem is to find the location for every letter.
This may work great with monospace fonts, but for everything else this won’t work…
I cannot access the position of individual letters of a text object (at least I don’t know how)
a couple of releases ago you could read text object data splines, that is now gone…
maybe ask back for the feature? it was useful to separatecharacters
and this project is looking great guys
edit: no idea why it was removed, maybe on dependency cleanups done some months ago
I am a big fan of Mikhail Rachinskiy’s motion design experiments on Blender. I especially liked a cool cube effect that involves tons of drivers and empties.
I tried to recreate a similar effect with Animation Nodes and it turned out to be very easy and fast (ok, … I confess it may need further tweakings).
Here’s the blend filefor those who are interested. I commented the nodes so it can be used as an introduction to the addon.
I have been trying to achieve the tron light trace effect, where a line is painted over the surface of geometry. I can’t animate a texture over multiple objects so that it lines up. But I thought I could create a curve that followed a surface, unfortunately snapping doesn’t create vets as required.
So I wondered if it would be possible to create a sort of trailing array that followed a reference geometry surface? Then can the material generate a fade after the leading edge (of the array/extrude) passes a point on the surface.
Here is an example
BTW the animations by beetle at his vimeo page are inspiring for generated art.
Hi Jacques
Great job, wonderful addon, superb collaborations programmers have been added.
I’m just an artist and apply the art and am amazed at your work.
I will still in wonder
@Jacques : Fantastic ! My god, you are on FIRE today ! Two super cool effects that will prevent us from having a good night of sleep… again…
@Leon : Thanks ! I only created the missing node between the idea of Mikhail and the Addon of Jacques.
On my side, nothing really sexy but these 3 nodes that will help those who are using empties, for instance, as reference point for moving other objects (x-y-z math surfaces). It may not sound very useful for now but I’ll try to convince you with a relevant example very soon…
What a great addon! Thx so much for the development :).
This question might seem a stupid question, but how do I create a grid of objects (like two array modifiers, one in x-direction the other in y-direction). I tried around but all I could get is two lines of cubes in two different directions. Is there a way to kind of create a double for-loop for replicated objects?
Thanks =)