Animation not working in game

It is just a cube moving, so there shouldn’t be any problems. It works fine outside of the game engine but it doesn’t work when I start the game engine. I set the end frame to 40 and the start frame to 1. All of the logic blocks are connected.

Oh it works with f curve but I would prefer it to work with shape action

How would I have several different animations? For instance like a running and walking animation.

I suggest you to see this tutorial. It talks about BGE basics tools. It was made with an old version of BGE, but concepts are the same :

(There are also part 2 and 3).

Yeah I already watched that one. I really have no idea what is the matter with it. As a test I used a friend’s animation thing and it worked. So I really have no idea what I am doing wrong.

‘What is the matter with it’? What do you mean - it works with F-Curves, right? Shape Actions would require using shape actions. Press I over a shape key driver to create an Shape Action, if there isn’t one already.

I meant action actuator. I added an armature to test it. I guess my question now would be how would you make f curves with multiple animations? Or making action actuators work. I guess I will redo the tutorial from scratch and see if it wasn’t a stupid mistake on my part.

Sigh still didn’t work. This is really confusing. Blend animation files I load work fine.