I am having trouble finding information on this subject. How do I create animations for a character and then get it to work in the game engine? Right now I just want the keyboard to trigger the character to move his head up and down. Something simple so I can figure out the logic and how to set up the IPO’s. Can anyone help or point me in a direction? Thanks.
first make a animation that u want to use in game. Then in the actuator select keyboard as contoller, select ipo and set start and end frames of your animation.
How would I have multiple animations in one object, and be able to select different ones? Say I had a “Jump” animation, a “Run” animation, and a “Walk” animation all in the same character. How would I access each seperatly?
What is so wierd is that I was looking at your website not to long ago trying to remember where I had seen this example. Your site is awesome for helping people in the gaming part of blender. Thanks for the samples and advice, I’ll give it a go and see what I can make of it. Again thank you.