Animation on HDRI background: The blimp visits the parliament

Still a bit newbie using background HDRIs this to celebrate the arrival of the “Angry Baby Trump Blimp” visiting Copenhagen. Whilst not knowning the blimp to show up the 2nd and 3rd of September I imagined this scandinavian non-diaper version – thus my humble animation.

Now the Danish National Broadcast recently announced the original blimp to be at site in Copenhagen in the days of the visit. By the way: The POTUS will also be present … Very exiting and welcome, Trump blimp!

Also to express my outspoken admiration for Matt Bonner, the designer who created the visual appearance of the genius “Angry Baby Trump Blimp”: 20 ft high, bloated and filled with thin air.

HDRI combined with non-HDRI backdrops creates a lot of exciting possibilities for designers freely to set up interesting scenarios.

Created in Blender 2.79 I’m looking foreward to investigate this technique further in 2.80 :slight_smile: