Hi im little new to blender and i have a problem, the 1st is the project i’m making and the second is the arm i want to move, the thing is the arm as lots of objects thats not joint together, is there a way to using like a bone system on multiple objects? or do i have to joint the objects but how do i set each objects different settings?
I don’t use armatures that often, but if you only want a sfairly simplistic movement without joining the objects, then parenting the objects together might work well for you. You select the object you want to be the “child”, then select the parent and hit “control p”, set parent. then whenever you move the parent in some way, the child moves too. In this way you can start from the back of the arm and parent forwards to the hand. Then you can move any child without moving the parent, but the parents move everyone below them on the list. Make sense? If you want anything too complex, though, armatures would be a better option, but parenting is much easier in my experience (limited though that may be).
You may not have to join your arm objects. It depends on what kind of effect you’re looking for. For a “robotic” type arm, “parent to bone” as described below will work. If you want the arm to deform like a human arm though, you may have to join the objects and use vertex-groups instead. If it’s the second case, the “Intro to Character Animation” tutorial covers how to setup armatures / vertex groups (See link in my signature).
Object -> Bone Parenting
Create an armature … if its for an arm, three bones might be enough (bicep,forearm,hand), add more bones if you want.
Select the armature and change to POSE mode (CTR-TAB).
Then select the part(s) of the arm you want to be controlled by each bone, then SH-SELECT a bone and press CTR-P and choose make parent to bone.
This is similar to the process Marcion described, except it will make animation MUCH easier, as the entire armature will be assigned one single action in the action editor, with an entry for each bone
Ok i’ll try, hmm do i need all bones together in one object or multiple?
This is what i did so far
Problem now i forgotten how to do this lol, i might have to review and im not sure how to do this on multi objects
Never Mind It been solved, Took a long time, What i figured out was same as last persion said but then i parent again and set as Bone so its just the object that moves not one vertex, Thanks alots