Animation rigging

Hi is there any way to connect a parameter to others? Somekind of max’s wire parameters and reaction manager? So for instance, there’s this sphere and cube, when I rotate the sphere, the box automatically move according to the sphere’s rotation value?

Also any idea how to create somekind of GUI like custom attributes and helpers in max, so when u animate stuffs u don’t need to manipulate the object in 3D window, instead, using those GUIs?

thanks in advance!


as far as connecting attributes (like Maya’s set driven key- way useful, don’t know about max), you set a driver for an IPO channel in edit mode in the IPO window.

I saw a thread on here about it a few days ago, but I’ve not used it yet, so thats all the help I can offer.

As for the other- I’m sure you can do it with Python!!!


As mentioned, driven IPOs will handle question one. Bones can be controlled via Action Constraints or IPO Drivers.

For question two: Look for Guitar Geek’s widget script (search elysiun or You might want to check out the “orange guy” over at which demonstrates these widgets for animating a character (driven shapes). You’re looking for a file called “controller2.blend”.

thank you very much guys!! :smiley:

been playing with the driver a little. Just one more stupid request if you don’t mind :D. Could you please give me an example of scripting usage in the driver facility? Just one simple example, say I want the cube rotates twice value (say rotates at x axe) of the sphere transformation (say y transform)?

thanks in advance

Once you have set up your driven IPO, select the IPO curve and scale it or adjust the points in Edit mode to change the driver relationship.

I’d like to know how to edit Driver equations as well. like negative positive or multiplying. I can’t seem to find where to tweak that. Please share if you find out how

If you mean python scripting driver interactions, IIRC the ability hasn’t been finished yet and isn’t connected to useful buttons in the current BF release. Hopefully it will be finished in a future release, because it’d be an extremely useful tool. I used to love using equations in Lightwave.

As far as simple interactions go, with moving one object moving another, it comes down to math. You need to figure out how far you want the driven object to move and adjust the IPO curves accordingly. One axis represents the driver location, and the other represents the driven object’s reaction.

I don’t recall which is which, but if you have a look around elysiun it’s bound to turn up.

ah… okay. Would love to see this working real soon. Would be a blast for riggers :D. Anyway also would like to add most of scripts included in the 2.41 version is also not working. Like the selective bevel and stuffs.