[~~animation~~]~~:~~[~~students suffering~~]


I need crit on specific shoots in this animation : http://www.open-class.org/20001_1193.avi : the hanging, eating, in lab sleeping ,tv … crit every movement please ,

this is a block animaton and i’m doing the real one at the moment and re-blocking these into better animations

ps: the student is writing from right to left, this is because we do so in arabic . :smiley:

thanks for paloman’s rig !

Very nice, busy busy busy!

Anyway, I’m only saying this because you said to crit every movement… but there is a small skip in the animation of the left arm from the 0:12 to 0:13 second mark. Personally not a huge problem. Just looked a bit out of place.

thanks rob

i fixed the sleeping animation
today will fix
eating meal animation and TV animation
will animate a run before/after each hanging in the air …

tomorrow the rest … etc etc.
wish me good luck!

i will seperate each animation into it’s own .blend to ease my job

i fixed the eating animation and amended the timing … for the actions

download the 0.5 mega file

also used constraints to grab and put things!

i will continue doing the other animations
so people will criticize it :slight_smile:

now will fix the labaratory scene


i realy like the animation and the way the concept is worked out.
however i wou change the toothbrush animation in a more up and down movement or left to right movement
and the second thing is i wouldent move the head to much when he eats.

but good work

however i wou change the toothbrush animation in a more up and down movement or left to right movement


and the second thing is i wouldent move the head to much when he eats.

good crit, thanks … :slight_smile:

the lab animation is nearly completed

download the 0.5 mega file : Lab preview

enhanced it a bit!

download the 0.5 mega file : Lab preview

it is more alive now

what do you thin of my animation right now?

download the 0.5 mega file : Lab preview 5

download the 0.5 mega file : Lab preview 7

pretty sweet

two things to change:

when the thing explodes make him move/bend back more abrupt.
the motion is to smooth.
hold for one second the the shock n awe pose
and then abruptly as well move into the part where he slams his arms down.

also maybe the in the movie right hand can get a bit more of a motion
it feels to stiff.

I thing with fixing the timings it will be good.

thanks cekuhnen, i will keep this in mind.

the new teeth brush animation

None of those links to the animations are working for me.

and so for the other links.
ps: I don’t have time to alter them now, will do later…

forget about the above links, here is a youtube videos

what do you think?

very nice!
but i wonder why u call it student suffering?
its normal routine of every student. lol and that lab smoke explosion happened to me in real life! lol :smiley:
wasnt ble to see very clearly that day! :slight_smile: