Animation timing and tempo

This is such a hard art to master but I am trying to create belivable character expressions. It is fascinating. Please have a look and tell me what you think.


I like it! :smiley: Especially the last animation is very nice. The background matches the scene good.

About the timing: I guess most of it is a bit fast. (Not a real problem, but a bit slower would be great) The animation of the ball isn’t really realistic neither, though not bad at all!


None of it’s bad, some of it’s a bit fast, but that’s not really a problem.

There’s this though. The character does not appear to have any physical mass. His movements are too jerky, when he stops moving, he’s dead still, when he starts moving, he’s moving without any lead in. Also, with that big head of his, you’d think his weight would throw around a bit. Remember, objects in motion tend to stay in motion, objects at rest tend to stay at rest.

Still though, no worries, eh? All-in-all, they’re very nice, compact little movies.

wish I could watch, except I am at school. Youtube is blocked… anyway I could get an email?

I agree with BlackBoe. Everything is fine except that his movements are too … well, jerky :smiley:
But I think it would not be too difficult to learn how to make the character move smoothly but I can only guess because you are a far better animator than I am. I bought a book a few days ago that is about animating characters and it is wonderful. Although it is primarily intended for classical animators (you know, with pencil and rubber :slight_smile: ) it can be used for digital animations as well because the explainations are very general and “frame-based”…
it is this one


It is a very good book - it certianly improved my animation techneque. It is aimed mostly at traditional cel animators, but most of it will aply to 3D animation as well. There’s a tendancy of the auther, to say “do everything the slowest, hardest way posable”, but for high-end animation it’s the book you need.

I’m glad you liked them. I’m just learning. There is so much to learn, especially when it comes to rigging and animation. And you are right. They are a bit fast and he doesn’t have the right weight in his movements. That would have been easier to achieve with an armature that would stretch and squeeze the body a bit. Still I think I will go on putting this little fellow into some more trouble. Blender is a facinating creature.

One thing that would help give him “weight” is to make sure he shifts his weight over the foot that is on the ground when he picks up his other foot.

With our long legs, we often don’t notice that we shift our weight when we lift a foot, but for a character that is that top-heavy it needs to be noticeable.

I agree with Rob on the second point about weight-shifting, you might want to add this to make the movie more realistic / vivid.

I ask again, is there anyway you could put into quicktime or something and upload it to

scale your handles out you your ipo curves, and he will get the ever-so-slight decelleration that everyone is talking about. Nice texturing and everything, even the lighting. good job!

Borgillios…I like the character you’ve created. Also…you have an interesting sequence of events in such a short time-frame. Tweeking the movements…as mentioned…is part of the process. Your skills with animating are beyond mine. Good work