Animations in the BGE

Hello Blenderartists Community,

I have a question concerning animations in Blender. It’s pretty hard to explain the problem… Let me try it:

If you launch an action in the game engine, and the action you’ve launched is a rocket making a complex path through the air, will that rocket really move in the “global” space of the engine? If yes, and if I set it to a Dynamic object that can interact with other objects, will it interact with (for example) a cube that is in that pathway? Or are the launched actions just local and aren’t interacting with other objects?

Thanks a lot,

Yes, pertinent question!
Once I’ve made a little demo that could illustrate your problem, 20Mb and GLSL required:
The robots are animated with an old Path2IPO script, the vacuum machines animated with an old “way points” script, and the player is the “classic” Social’s FPS template.
If you try it you can judge “interaction” by yourself…and maybe you can find new/different ways?!
Blender gives you some tools, then one must experiment!