I have noticed an issue while working on an animation project. NDA applies so I cannot share files or recordings.
The scenario is as it follows:
There is a character working with a machine and they interact with several objects during the animation. The animation is pretty long and there are many objects involved. I decided the best way to export this was to export the character in one file and all the related objects in another file, 2 FBX files in total. The project requires several animations.
The reason I want to have them as separated files is because I want to keep all the individual animation clips from the character when I go to Unity. For this I export the character (just armature and mesh) and enable “NLA strips” in the exporter.
On the other hand I export all the objects in a single FBX file, they have constraints related to the character and it is just easier to bake everything so in Unity I find only one animation clip. For this export I disable “NLA strips”
All is good and great until here. I export this FBX 1 and FBX 2 from my blender file where I have both the character and the objects, everything looks good and in sync, timeline starts in frame 1 until frame 2800.
Before going to Unity I open a new blender scene just to import both FBX files and check that they work correctly. It turns out that the baked animation from my objects’ file lags behind for exactly 1 frame in relation to the animation from the character. This is what I don’t understand. Disabling “simplify” in the export settings does not help. Does anyone understand what the cause could be or is this a bug?