Animators/compositors for film projects needed

We need animators/compositors for our film projects. We are Lightray Productions, a small group of film makers in Phoenix, AZ.

We all work on film projects for profit sharing and screen credits. No up front pay. However, we have two films in editing that need your help.

If you can do animation and composite work, we can use your skills. You will work with a team of CGI people.

Contact us about joining our team.

[email protected]

See what I mean Blendenzo?

No clue what kind of CGI they need but it can’t be too difficult since their one film is slated for a fall 2010 release ‘once the CGI is completed’.

Hmm… wonder how many posts before the flames start?

To be honest, it look’s as if they have done a lot of work already, so it’s not as if they are asking for people to just come and make a film for them.

I believe it is ok to ask for help if you come to the table with something to present, and as their website says they have the filming finished, it just needs some VFX artists to help out.