Anime mesh - WIP - Level Studies of the Haunted Sandspit.

I started on this exercise sometime ago, and had some comments about the “belt” texture kind of being droppy. I adjusted it, rigged it, and here it is. Soon I will place some scenes as a trial.

Note that the hair is done in GIMP . . . no blender magic here.

Thank you.

Things we do just to boost our post count . . .



hey :smiley: you finally started your figure … i can’t wait to see more.

one point: i think the eyelashes could be darker:eyebrowlift:

Thanks Blackcat

I am still brushing up on the GIMP skills . . . and every now and then I browse through my favorite Manga comics to see what I can extract from these wonderful works of art.

I think with a bit of background, the mesh will do much better.

Oh, I usually browse your thread too . . . you are so many levels above me!

yes i think i works a lot to look at other art :wink:

about the background: just try rendering with a normal white backgroundcolor and erase it with gimp :slight_smile: and then use a painting instead

thanks for browsing my thread ^^ shou was my first model every so i think you can see a good process … so i think you can reach my level easily (and i’m poor at animations and stuff because i still not that far…)

I had some time so I trialled your method. It will take a few more go’s but I am confident your approach is valid.


nice :smiley:

just the face and hair aren’t sharp enough, maybe you try to model some simple hair to get a better effect then the texture :wink:

nice character.

Thanks - I know that hair is an issue. I’ve seen your thread and you have a really wonderful mesh setup. I tried some methods but all of these kind of let me down in the static animation phase. I understand that hair and eyes and along with the rest of body give great expression in panels, so I opted to do hair freehand - rather blender rendered. I still need to update my skills on freehand - hopefully the next set of ten or so panels will help me to that stage.

@Temujin143 - thanks - that’s most appreciated. Just a note that the “head” mesh is something I downloaded from an author who donated it for free, it’s a *.blend file by the way, and can be found if you use the google search engine.

Just another update - I am working on expressions, so thought I’d show you’s this too.
