Hello Everyone,
What can I do to improve it please?
Blender 4.2.0-EEVEE
A couple of things stand out to me.
It doesn’t quite look “anime style” to me; it looks more like… “applied a kuwahara filter”.
The edges on the arc are too sharply defined - it looks like it’s meant to be old/ancient, yet the edges are razor sharp. Smooth them out some.
The glowy stars don’t match the look of the rest; the image is (sort of) painterly, but the stars aren’t.
There’s a lot of sharp pixellation especially on the grass, edge of the cloud, etc. Sort of the look that results from too much Unsharp filter.
I think you’re off to a good start, hope that helps.
Thank you so much for your reply, and yeah you’re right ,I’ll do it thank you!