I agree - you’re crazy not to show these earlier, they’re excellent! Geocities also gave its data limit for me - could you host them on a better server?
wow. really reallyreally great character animation! and you actually managed to make the toonshading look like toonshading too . heh… you seem to know your ways around the camera angles too… what can I say… great stuff!
how are you going to render the final movie? or is there going to be one, said he hope in his voice…
because the animations are quite hard to download, I hosted them on a temporary mirror here:
:o I agree with the sentiments being expressed here…
Man, you should have posted earlier. Your animations beat 80% of what is usually posted here! I love the shadow fight with the red guy!
Give us more!
I just got to see DareDevil Man, this is soooo cooool! But, as always when I see something so great, I ask, how did he do it? So, rigging tutorial, please, this rigging seems perfect, while I can’t even get nearly right results.
Hi again =]
thanks a lot for the words and feedback
Thanks Basse, for the words and for the mirror =]
I tried a webspace in reblended.com, but they tell me that they had stop giving new accounts. So, I still using geocities.
I´ve had a lot of fun doing the toon_shade_DD. I was wanting a more realistic background in that movie…but I hate to model buildings…and hate to texture them =]. I have to redo his head too. The actual mesh dont give enough control over the facial expressions (I´ve made him in my firsts days in wings…I din´t knew what was Edge Loops =]). I was planning to do another “fight exibition” with him…and render with yafray >=]. After I finish the pictures I´m working now, I will do that.
Endi…I think CG Talk its too much for me =]
About the rigging…well…its a normal rigging =]. Not too much different from the rig of the classic Blendo from Liubomir. After finish the yafray render, I may share the DD file
Hey…I was thinking…
Before post the DD_Fight on CG talk, I could render it in YafRay…
I´ve made some tests, and took aprox. 8 min to render. Well… 385 frames X 8 minutes = 51 hours of render =]
hi. I’m working at the library… we have one extra machine here that I used to render some frames for me… I can leave it rendering throught the whole night if necessary… it has windows 2000, and linux (rh9). it’s 1ghz machine…
so, I can help out rendering xml files. but you have to do the work produce the xml files
(or does blender now with new release know how to update armatures too from python?)
anyways, if you still need it, drop me… email, pm. whatever.