AnimSys2 - Euler rotations in Blender

@ leFaquin : haven’t you done some object rotations ? Then you’ve used the Euler system.

Jeez, I was just getting used to Quats! Eheh, just kidding, I think this will be a great addition. Being able to choose is good, really.

Order of rotation if great, if you really understand how to use it, it can avoid gimbal lock in most cases.

Can’t wait to test this out!


Aligorth really rocks, he is adding new really great features in AnimSys2 branch nearly every hour :slight_smile: Big thank for this!
Looking forward for first build to test it.

Concerning Euler with objects, it would be great for bones to implement better visual representation as other 3d apps have. So gimbal will be clearly seen. And as was mentioned rotation order feature is really need to avoid gimbal lock.

Just from an animation beginner:

Will this be intended just as an option for those used to animate with Euler rotations + gimbal problem, or there is really an advantage over Quats + using XYZ IPOs as input?.

Will this replace the plan of using XYZ IPOs for Quats, or it is feasible?


yeeeehaaaa! love aligorth!

The advantage comes in tweaking the IPO curves, after you’ve set up the main motion through posing and setting keys. Quaternion Rotation IPO curves are very difficult to relate (intuitively) to rotations in 3d space. Euler Rotation IPOs are very straightforward, since they relate to the xyz axes of bones or objects.

ALigorith is adding dozen of goodies every day in AnimSys2 branch. For example Per-Segment Interpolation of IPO-Curves. I feel like having Christmas :-).

Also first builds are available for Linux -

I hope Windows build will be also quite soon, cant wait to test it.

Thanks Orinoco for the reply. I did read that they were thinking (at least I understood it this way) to use something like Euler XYZ IPO input for Quat rotations. I was wondering if that solution is going to be implemented, and if “Euler alone” instead of a hybrid “Euler input for Quats” would be better.

Thanks again for the reply


Great! curves tweaking is everything in good animation…