Editable motion trails are now working with the hotkey - G, shift and Ctrl
G - to move selected keyframes, the keyframes will move only when you hover on one of the keyframes and it turns orange. This is in order to avoid interaction with the rig controls while hovering. you can also still move them only with Left click press
Shift - to add or remove keyframe selection
Ctrl - to add or remove keyframes. when pressing ctrl and hovering on any point it will create a keyframe, after clicking it will add the keyframe. If a keyframe already exists, it will turn blue, and after clicking it will be removed
Editable motion trails also have a frame range options. Frame range can be also changed using the frame range markers widgets
Copy / Paste World/Relative Matrix, is now working with multiple objects and bones. you can select several bones and objects, click copy and then paste each one to its own matrix.
It now giving also a notification in the viewport when copying a matrix
World space inbetweener is almost completely re-written. It had issues with autokey, but now should work better.
New operator - Finding the best euler rotation or your animation. Press on the magnifier and it will calculate which axis is the best to avoid gimbal lock based on the mid axis rotations (gimbal lock happenens when the mid axis goes to 90 degrees) it will also switch the rotation mode enum property. after that you can use convert rotation.
Version -
Updated UI - new custom icons. Added the menu to the header, with an option to turn on ‘Quick Icon Menu’ which includes the functions that are mostly used.
I will later add options to choose which functions go into the quick menu
I’ve added also the keyframe offset function to the toolbar menu (will add later the rest of the sliders as well)
N panel is also updated
Version -
New Operator works only from Blender 4 - Animated Collections Visibility inside the Display category. This operator turns on the visibility for all the collections that have bones with keyframes inside. After pressing it again, it will go back to the previous visibility state of the collections.
The idea basically is to use it for timing while blocking animation. So for example you work on a certain part of the rig with certain collections turned on, and then want to change the timing for everything. You click on this button which makes all the collections with animated keys visible, select all with A and change your timing, then when done click on it again and it will go back to how the collections visibility was setup before.
Added Filter properties for all the Anim Tools (except convert rotations) - when properties are turned off, then the name of the button will be changed showing which properties are filtered out (L for location, R rotation and S scale with the xyz properties of them), this is in order to help the user to remember that certain properties are currently being filtered
Editable motion trails got a few fixes. keyframe selections should work better now, and it’s now also working with undo.
Markers Retimer works now with multiple objects.
Multikey and RiggerToolBox are now bundeled into animtoolbox. However they are optional and need to be turned on in the addon preferences.
They are optional because multikey (now inside anim tools) is already a part of anim layers and also a free stand alone addon, so some people might not need it as an extra tool.
RiggerToolBox is a bit old and experimental but I gave it some fixes to work with Blender 4
now Scale and Rotate (and grab) hotkeys are all working when hovering over keyframes.
Axis filters (‘X’ ‘Y’ and ‘Z’) are now also working when moving/scaling keyframes, with shift it will do the other axes (just like how it’s in Blender itself)
Added notification for the movement
Keyframes that are not ‘Bezier’ will not display the handles.
It’s possible to change the interpolation in the viewport with Ctrl + T (In the dopesheet it’s just T, but t is already the toolbar in the viewport)
Some fixes for temp ctrls,
and copy relative matrix - it’s now working when a bone relative to an active object. This is usefull when attaching a hands to an object
It is now creating the controls in realtime while selecting the options, so the user can understand better the outcome. When going out of the ui dialogue panel it is cancelled and the options are removed, and when pressing ok, it will setup the hierarchy and bake the animation on them
World Space controls are now not using anymore the option bake location: Head / Tail
Instead it is using ctrl type: Track target or copy transforms.
It is now possible to choose on which axis it will create the tail and also to give it an offset (previously bake location tail was creating the target always on the bone’s Y Axis on the tail of the bone.