Basically is a compilation of the great Blender PC2 importer-exporter.
The problem is that I´m not real “script-man” only a 3D user with a script hobbie, so
I decide open this thread to share my questions I would like make this script more robust (now is a little mess of “Control-C / Control-V” stuff).
To start,one question:
Any good script to Import Camera from Maya/Max?
you might be able to add a null in maya with it parented to the camera(bake motion if necessary) and export its motion data, then reapply to the camera in blender, just an idea.
Great video again… sorry can’t comment on script, since I don’t know about maya interaction. Maybe try to peek into the fbx import/export script, which shoud/could support also cameras…
\Blender for windows (folder)
a complete version of blender 2.48a with AniSculpt Mannager script, instructions and specific
layout when startup, just double click in blender.exe to run
\scripts (folder)
-AniSculpt.mel, just drag an drop in to Maya viewport to run it , you don´t need it if use blender.exe of this zip
\startup file (folder)
-.B.blend file, the startup configuration with the interface and AniSculpt Mannager script.
you don´t need it if use blender.exe of this zip