AniSculpt Script

I´m working in a couple of scripts to connect Max/Maya to Blender to use AniSculpt.

This is an example

Basically is a compilation of the great Blender PC2 importer-exporter.
The problem is that I´m not real “script-man” only a 3D user with a script hobbie, so
I decide open this thread to share my questions :confused: I would like make this script more robust (now is a little mess of “Control-C / Control-V” stuff).

To start,one question:
Any good script to Import Camera from Maya/Max?


you might be able to add a null in maya with it parented to the camera(bake motion if necessary) and export its motion data, then reapply to the camera in blender, just an idea.

Great video again… :slight_smile: sorry can’t comment on script, since I don’t know about maya interaction. Maybe try to peek into the fbx import/export script, which shoud/could support also cameras…

I´ve just upload the Maya Scripts in my web
and a videotutorial “How To”

I made a Zip with all you need to play with.

\Blender for windows (folder)
a complete version of blender 2.48a with AniSculpt Mannager script, instructions and specific
layout when startup, just double click in blender.exe to run

\scripts (folder)
-AniSculpt.mel, just drag an drop in to Maya viewport to run it , you don´t need it if use blender.exe of this zip

\startup file (folder)
-.B.blend file, the startup configuration with the interface and AniSculpt Mannager script.
you don´t need it if use blender.exe of this zip

nice work, thanks for sharing