Hi everyone, i´m new in the forum and this my very first post. So sorry for my question and my poor english, i´m from spain.
I´m trying to do some materials and one of these is an Anisotropic shader like in a compact disc.
All i want to khow is this is the correct way or not. It look fine but… what do you think? Thanks
My material consist in 3 anisotropic bsdf with the 3 primary color(R,G,B) with diferent anisotropic values.
My anisotropic shader is compared with a simple anisotrpic to view differences, in my cd shader i add some bump but in the image the strenght is set to 0, and the mix factor for final mix with a glossy is set to 0 too.
Hi @Eugenio, I like your cd material a lot. How do you calculate normals for Anisotropic nodes?
Hola Eugenio, me ha gustado mucho tu material para cd. ¿Nos podrías contar como has calculado las normales en los nodos Anisotropic? Me refiero a ese grupo de nodos con parámetros distancia, fuerza, …