Announcement:Python IDE for Blender

I’m new to Blender, but familiar with Python. Used to comfortable IDE’s like Boa, PythonWin, I couldn’t get along with the spartanic text Window of Blender to write programs. You can of course edit them outside Blender, but than you don’t have interactive access to the Blender Python objects.

Therefore I developped a Python IDE which can run inside Blender. It includes many features, such as an interactive shell with autocompletion and so on, a locals browser and a Blender object browser, drag&drop, customizable menus and toolbar buttons, and much more… Since it requires the full Python installation and wxPython, it is more aimed at experienced Python programmers. It could make the step for them easier to Blender. See screenshot for a quick impression see

I also made a package blenpy which integrates existing Python tools to be run from Blender:

Before releasing I’m looking for some volunteers to do some alfa testing. Email me [email protected]

Thanks for any reactions,

Spe and blenpy require:
*FULL Python22 installation

Spe requires:

Spe Features:

Sidebar per file
*class/method browser (jump to source)
*automatic todo list, highlighting the most important ones (jump to source)
*automatic alphabetic index of classes and methods (jump to source)

*interactive shell
*locals browser (left click to open, right click to run)
*seperate session recording

*quick access to python files in folder and its subfolders (click to open)
*unlimited recent file list (left click to open, right click to run)
*automatic todo list of all open files, highlighting the most important ones (jump to source)
*automatic alphabetic index of all open files (jump to source)

Python related:

Drag & Drop: drop any amount of files or folders…
*on main frame to open them
*on shell to run them
*on recent files to add them
*on browser to add folders

*context help defined everywhere
*add your own menus and toolbar buttons
*exit & remember:all open files will next time automatically be loaded
(handy for Blender sessions)
*wxPython gui, so should be cross-platform (Windows,Linux,Mac)
*scripts can be executed in different ways:run,run verbose & import
*after error jump to line in source code

last but not least…

Blender related:
*redraw the Blender screen on idle (no blackout)
*load script in Blender Text window
*Blender object tree browser (cameras,objects,lamps,…)
*add your favorite scripts to the menu
*100% Blender compatible:can run within Blender, so all these features are available within Blender

This looks great!! :o :o :smiley: 8)

but what is wxPython and where can I get it?

Can’t wait for the release!

Keith. 8)

Whoa, looks good! :o

gorgan_almi: wxPython

What a great idea! My current workload wouldn’t allow any serious alphatesting - but I’ll be all over this when you decide it’s ready to go public.

Again - great!

This sounds great. I’m not sure if I know enough python to be useful as an alpha tester, but I can give it a try.
Great work !