I really like the new blender, but i have some problems with it:
1.) When the cursor is at the top or the bottom of the screen I need to select again my previous operation tool. In 2.49 the cursor automatically jumped back to the middle of the screen so it always selected my last tool. Like here: VIMEO
2.) In prvious blender versions the software remembered the properties of the objects i added. For example I added a circle with 8 vertices. Next time, when i wanted to add an other one, it automatically set to 8. In 2.5 i always get 32 as default. This one isn’t as annoying as the first one, but I think it was a good feature in 2.49.
3.) When I’m in wireframe mode and i hit Alt+Z to switch the shading to textured i need to hit it again, because the first one only set the view to solid mode. In 2.49 the alt+z combination immediately cause textured view.
Is it only me, who don’t like these things? (I think not, I saw some videotutorials where the artists had the same problem)
Where and how can we post it to the developers? Maybe these fixes will make the blender a much more user-friendly software.
i can’t help you, with your question where to post to developers. i failed to find a way for another feature which was supported in 2.49 (bug reports will be closed and you can’t suggest as a new feature because it was supported).
but i can agree upon that i would like those features, too :).
The only thing I can really suggest to overcome this is to:
A) Learn the number of the differing menu items (num1 selects first option from the top, num2 selects the second, etc.).
B) Customize your hotkeys to give you fast access to the operations you use the most. This option is faster for your workflow than both the option above and the the way you’re used to. I know because I had the same frustration before I started customizing keys.
Yes, in 2.49 I always used 0 for w–>flip normals. That was close enough to my hand and i didn’t have to find the keys.
Your suggestion is just about to avoid the problem, not to solve it. It’ll work for a while, but that wold be better to fix these small issues.
I think this menu problem is much more annoying for advanced users because they don’t see what’s selected. An absolutely beginner always find the command and select that. We do many things by reflex.
I wasn’t active here for a while. Don’t you know where is the “2.5 dvelopement” thread?
Ok, thanks. Maybe later i’ll find a thread or a suggests list where i can show our problem. These small and useful things made the blender so good, we shouldn’t throw them away.