But seriously, people, that avatar is like the peak of the CG-revolution. I know for a fact that several members of the FX-crew on ‘Matrix’ would cut off their left foot to get a hold of the original file. There are lightrig tricks and rendering esoterica in that which most experienced CG-professionals only dream of having access to. It’s like a wet dream of 3D.
<edit> OH MY GOD! I AM FORUM ‘SATAN’!!! I promised myself not to post any more once I had reached 666. </edit>
I know for a fact that several members of the FX-crew on ‘Matrix’ would cut off their left foot to get a hold of the original file.
What? Please. One: There’s no color. Two: So there are tricks and all, but what’s there that a simple TUTORIAL wouldn’t show off? Three: It’s not blengine’s picture, so it doesn’t seem right to use it.
No color you say? Ever seen a 128-bit floatprecision greyscale HDRI-probe before? Now that’s a lot of color, only greys of course, but with a dynamic range beyond anything and everything. That’s what it takes to get that subtle shading, and the uber-exact aliasing.
‘color’, cubefan? I hate to say it. but your avatar is looking a little grey.or gray. I hate that color anyway. I guess i’m black and white. Also, avatars don’t have to be made by yourself. Mine, for example, expresses my intrests. I must say that blengine’s avatar rocks!