Another append question

If I append an object with a material that already exist in my .blend Blender makes a new one anyway. Is there a way around this?
Or is it possible to reassign all users of one material to another?

(I noticed this when I was trying out the idea of a common material archive for Blenderville project.)

  1. pofo

If I append an object with a material that already exist in my .blend Blender makes a new one anyway

An object in a new file hasn’t to have the same materials, although they have the same names. :wink:

I’ve jsut try this: Put the tree window, select the square representing the new material, and press ‘Mays+L’ twice; thus, all objects with that one, are selected in the 3d windows. Now select an object with the old material (the one you want to be for all the objects): this object is the active object now. Then press CTRL+L and select ‘Materials’. Be present that it links ALL materials in the original object, to the others…


I know :slight_smile: but the ones I tested with really were identical.

Anyway, thanks for your explanation on how to change materials. Learned a little more about blender again :slight_smile:
I can only use this effectively if there isn’t more than one material assigned to an object though.

  1. pofo